Radio Trailer - Ancillary Product
Print Advert - Ancillary Product
Use of Voiceovers
However, we then decided to change the background of our print advert and have a grain overlay to emphasise the heels, signifying what the documentary is about. Our finished and final print advert is pictured below.
Audience Appeal
Collecting Audience Feedback
After receiving the following results from our peers we sat down together and made changes appropriately. In our questionnaire we asked our peers to rate between 1 and 5 (5 being excellent and 1 being poor).
Comments given about the radio trailer are as follows:
Comments given about the documentary are as follows:
Feedback conclusions...
Another piece of audience feedback we received was the decision of which image we would use in our final Print Advert. The image below was our final and strongest idea, the image on the left was aiming to signify diva, and the image on the right was aiming to signify disaster. However, after asking our peers their ideas it was clear that although our idea was original, it was not 100% clear, and so instead we decided to just use the one image.
Recording footage which can we used as cutaways in a heels shop in Liverpool city centre.
Filming suitable cutaways for our documentary.
This photograph was taken mid-interview in Graham Carter's surgery.