Thursday, 15 July 2010

Screengrabs Of Editing & A Discussion Of The Software

Using Adobe Premiere Pro seemed quite dawnting at first as it was my first time using the software for a long time. My group and I seemed to have forgotten the way it worked and "what was where", but after a media assistant was able to spend a lesson with us, we started to make good progress. All three of us had a go at editing and soon realised that if we wanted our interview to run smoothly, we would have to place our cutaways overlapping two questions to prevent "jump cuts". Overall we spent around 3 lessons editing our interview, giving us roughly a lesson each to take charge of the software. We found it difficult to add a musicbed to our interview, but after seeking help we eventually had guidance of how to do so and will be able to remember the new knowledge we have now picked up for the next time we come to use it.

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