This documentary is broadcasted on BBC2 and is educational. The topic and theme of this documentary is important for the target audience.
Narrative Structure
The first section of the documentary is all about the music industry and the Brit Awards, and is then moved on to the main part of the documentary; Meatloaf. The first five minutes help to set the scene of music, and then the documentary is moved on to Meatloaf's campaign and ended with how he got to number one.
Handheld camera work in the opening sequence on the red carpet is used to create realism and excitment for the audience.
The audience are put into the position of being a reporter whilst the camera is "walking" into the media room.
Intervies had an imposed picture of Meatload in the background, and some interviews were filmed infront of a blue/green screen and had Meatloaf's CD edited into the background.
Non diegetic sound, "voice of god" was used and this allowed the documentary to make sense. A male voice was used as the documentary was about a male star.
The documentary played several clips of the song the documentary was about, making the audience excited for the chorus.
Interviews are edited so they fade in and out to make them appear conversational. There were also crossfades of a lot of different things to illustrate what the interviewee or voice of god were talking about.
Archive Material
Footage of Meatloaf performing and a clip of his video were edited into the documentary.
Still pictures were also used for effect.
Opening credits were edited so that it appeared like a magazine with little snaps of famous people who may be in the documentary on the cover. Captions were also used with the name of the documentary shown in the bottom left hand corner of all interviews.
Quotes are pictured across the screen.
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